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Altia, a leading provider of GUI development tools and software solutions, will join premier automotive OEMs and solution providers at Car.HMI Europe 2024. This…..
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Software developers love open source. And what’s not to love?! It’s easily downloadable, it’s prolific, creative and most importantly – free. There are thousands…
From “Bad UX Goes Mainstream” to “Pinterestization”…? “A lot has happened over the last 12 months, so we turned to our contributors and other members…
From the latest article on Looking back, the early 21st century will be considered the age of UX Epiphany. For nearly fifty years,…
When I worked for a Japanese automotive original equipment manufacturer (OEM), they had a saying, which may or may not be a national cliché:…
Although Altia just released our new GUI editor, Altia Design 11, as a company insider I have been able to use the new release for quite…
What can Johnny Depp teach us about UX? Plenty! Just ask Steve Tengler, Altia’s own UX Director. In Steve’s most recent article on,…
What can Tom Cruise teach us about UX? According to Altia’s UX Director, Steve Tengler, that couch-jumping film star and his many film characters can…
I had the good fortune to meet Dr. Susan Weinschenk when speaking at the same conference in 2011. If you haven’t seen some of…
–Tristan Plank is a guest contributor and the Lead Human Factors Researcher and UI Designer at HF Designworks in Boulder, CO.– Products with Personality…
Jason Williamson recently wrote a great article for Embedded Insights about dogfooding. No, Jason has not come up with a new and unappetizing diet…
Recently, Don Dingee of Embedded Computing Design wrote a short piece entitled Phonemance. Think “bromance” and then substitute your iPhone for your best pal…phonemance….
This is a cool commercial from a company that is breaking a lot of the traditional carmaker paradigms.…
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