Altia is proud to partner with Green Hills Software for integrated cockpit applications like this one demonstrated with #GreenHills #INTEGRITY #RTOS, #Android and #Qualcomm….
Ultrafast Code Generator for Human/Machine Interface Designs will be Shown on Cypress’ Latest Microcontrollers; Event to Also Feature Two Altia Talks on GUI Trends…
Innovator in Vehicle Cockpit Design Partners with Multiple Exhibitors to Demonstrate How Human-Machine Interface is Evolving for Greater Convenience and Passenger Safety Enhanced automobile displays…
On October 1, Altia will join the automotive industry’s top user experience experts at WardsAuto User Experience (UX) Conference™. This event will take place…
Altia will join key automotive industry directors, R&D engineers, designers and ecosystem partners at Automotive Innovation Day 2019 on July 3, 2019 at the…