All of the students of Harrison School District 2 in Colorado Springs are now equipped with all of the supplies to start school successfully. Beyond pencils, pens, notebooks and laptops, there were hundreds of students who were without a key school supply for the 2020-2021 school year – internet access.
Altia’s CEO, Mike Juran, worked with Randy Rocha of District 2 to understand those specific needs of D2 families. Then he reached out to friends in the community for help. Together, Altia, Pikes Peak Community Foundation, Nor’wood Development Group, Comcast and a host of other generous companies and foundations pitched in to donate internet hotspots and service for those families in need.
Check out the news story from KRDO in Colorado Springs.
When the COVID pandemic required schools to move to online learning last spring, D2 worked very hard to make sure students had devices available to successfully participate in online learning. With multiple people working and learning from home, they had not considered that reliable internet access would be an issue. They wanted to make sure every family would be properly connected. “You know for the community come together and help us piece this part, we worked so hard as a school district to get those devices into the hands of students but this was a piece that we weren’t ready to do. We hadn’t budgeted for, so for the community come together to help our families in this way is really truly amazing,” said Christine O’Brien, Spokesperson for District 2.
The Altia team is grateful to all the local companies who joined us in getting our District 2 friends connected and ready for a safe, successful school year. We look forward to new opportunities to support Harrison School’s amazing students, teachers and staff!