In the heart of Colorado Springs, a group of dedicated Altians joined forces with Pikes Peak United Way and Care and Share Food Bank for a bi-monthly mobile food pantry event at Mitchell High School.

Grateful for the nice weather and the opportunity to give back, the Altia teammates spent their volunteer day setting up tables, organizing food items and welcoming the influx of families seeking assistance. The group was proud to serve over 300 families!

“The impact of this event extends beyond the provision of food. This is a beacon of hope for many—and a reminder to the volunteers as well as the families we served today that we belong to one another. No one stands alone,” stated Mike Juran, Altia CEO.

The mobile food pantry events at Mitchell High school take place on the first and third Thursday of each month through the summer. Local families can find additional food distribution events and locations at

For more information about donating to or volunteering with Care and Share Food Bank, visit